Sensual Massage

While it may take many forms, a sensual massage involves building erotic tension through intentional touch. In this fast paced multi-tasking world, sensual massage is your opportunity to slow down and savor the untapped primal energy that exists within all of us. Many men find it surprisingly difficult to receive without doing anything in return. A sensual massage is a wonderful way to practice being present and simply receiving the attention of another man.

mas4aEach session begins with a brief check in.  I want to know about your body and your goals for our session.  During your time on the massage table, I’ll help you settle into your body with a variety of techniques. I use a unique blend of bodywork and breathing to calm your mind and heighten your sense of touch. I am very intuitive and tailor each session to your body’s needs.  As the stress drains away, you’ll remember how it feels to be fully alive and embodied. I’ll spend the majority of the session creating waves of erotic energy that spread throughout your body. Let yourself go and savor this heightened state. Your only task is to lay back and embrace all of the sensations coursing through your body.

I enjoy working with guys of any age or body type and it doesn’t matter if you’re gay, straight, or somewhere in between. You can leave your inhibitions behind and be yourself. Everyone is treated with respect and you are accepted exactly as you are.

If being fully engaged with your body is what you’re looking for, then this massage for you.

Schedule your session today.  Call/txt me at 415-890-6556 or email